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Here Are the Ways You Are Ruining Your Post-Pregnancy Recovery!

Giving birth is certainly a life-altering experience for a woman. While you feel really happy at welcoming a new baby into your life, you may also be in a rush to get your old life back in the groove. Also, recovery timelines are different for each mother. Remember that just because your neighbor has quickly recovered from childbirth doesn’t mean you will recover quickly too.

So, try and lower down your expectations from yourself and go easy on yourself, enjoying the whole process of nurturing the new baby. Your new lifestyle will undergo a sea change, one that will take time to get used to. So, identify the red flags that are making things worse instead of helping you in your journey? Take a look here.

Trying To Accomplish All

Most mothers are so overwhelmed and overworked in the initial few years that it’s common to overdo it in those first few weeks. Even if you have had an easy delivery, had many stitches, and had to undergo major physical trauma, you may have to rest it out the first few weeks.

For the first 24 to 72 hours post-birth, spend quality time in bed, quality with the baby, especially when you want to get the breastfeeding part right. It is best to give your body at least a week to combat the rigors of the initial few weeks. Stay horizontal, not walk too much and keep the pressure off the pelvic floor to heal postpartum bleeding.

Ignoring Your Physical and Mental Well-being

Keep a tab on exactly how you feel overall, and try and identify the red flags. Identify the problems such as any discharge from the stitches, or experience any heavy bleeding call your health care practitioner as soon as possible.

It is important to keep a tab on your physical well-being. It is also important to keep tabs on your mental well-being. If you feel too distraught or disoriented or having trouble sleeping at night, seek help from your doctor as soon as possible. The mood issues you feel initially are something you should address as soon as possible. This way, you will address the problems with greater ease.

Not Drinking Enough Nutritious Food

While you may want to load your plate with junk foods as the craving for junk foods can often get the better for you. Seek more healthy stuff such as almonds, apples, and protein bars. While your initial thought may be to lose all the weight you have put on, you must rather concentrate on eating well and increasing your strength.

Eating well will improve your energy levels and help you combat constipation. Eat plenty of fiber-rich foods, flaxseed supplements, and of course, lots of water. Try and cater to your hunger pangs with full-fat foods such as fish, yogurt, and avocados. This will also keep your hormonal health in great shape. Skimp on coffee as it may find its way in breast milk, leading to sleep deprivation. You can also have coconut water to get your share of electrolytes.

Doing Exercise Too Much Too Soon

Wait till your six-week postpartum check-up to begin any exercise. Take that time to rest and repair. You can attempt to do anything remotely strenuous once your healthcare provider gives you the green light. You need to give your body adequate rest and strength to do exercises such as planks and situps. Ease your body in challenging exercise. Remember, it is always less and more. Approach your exercise goals in a way that you are easing back into exercise after an injury.

When it comes to postpartum healing, it is never any pain, no gain. Especially the hardcore stuff like the core-specific workouts. Avoid weight-training, especially heavy lifting or straining, during those first few months. Instead, focus on easier exercises such as spinning, which can be great for postpartum women who have trouble walking. If you have a c-section scar, you need to be wary of leaning over and putting too much strain on the scar.

Also, self-prioritizing is the key. Women often try to please others and ignore their health, compromising their health in the process; that can be the biggest red flag ever. So, be mindful of these red flags; give your health the tender loving care it deserves.

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